Sunday, 29 May 2011

OpenVPN - Installation

Install Script for OpenVZ VPS - CENTOS / DEBIAN / UBUNTU


Download Link:


Download Link:

After running the above scripts surfing/browsing to or other sites will not allow you.

You have to execute the below commands on the VPS

#ifconfig -a | grep P-t-P

inet addr: P-t-P: Mask:
inet addr: P-t-P: Bcast: Mask:
inet addr:8X.8X.2XX.XX P-t-P:8X.8X.2XX.XX Bcast:8X.8X.2XX.XX Mask:

Note: P-t-P: - For tun0

#iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
#/etc/init.d/iptables save
#/etc/init.d/iptables restart


#iptables -A POSTROUTING --table nat -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
#/etc/init.d/iptables save
#/etc/init.d/iptables restart

Note: Please make sure to enable the TUN / TAP / PPPD / IPTABLES on your VPS

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Rapidleech installation for Ubuntu

Install LAMP Server;
apt-get install -y lamp-server

If you are facing any issue while installing the LAMP, you can refer the below URL

cd /var/www/
mv r322 leech
cd leech
chmod 777 -R files/ configs/

Run a browser and access the address leech, http://localhost/leech .

On the web Rapidleech content Link to Tranload dialog box with a link that will be downloaded as hotfile or rapidshare, and then click the link to transload;

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Installing cPanel & WHM

Installing cPanel & WHM

Make sure you are logged in as root

To begin your installation, use the following commands:

1. Open the /home directory by typing the command cd /home

2. Fetch the latest installation file from the cPanel servers by typing the command

wget -N

3. Open and run the installation files by typing the command

sh latest

If licensing has failed (due to a strict firewall or changed IP), execute the following command to activate your license:

* /usr/local/cpanel/cpkeyclt

Note: For FreeBSD, you need to download and untar the latest installer package from www.

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Monitoring/security of Exim

Number of emails in the mail queue:

#exim -bpc

Frozen mails in a Queue

#exim -bp | grep -c frozen

#exim -bpr | grep frozen | wc -l

Removing all frozen messages:

#exiqgrep -z -i | xargs exim -Mrm


#exim -bpru | grep “frozen” | awk {‘print $3′} | xargs exim -Mrm

Deliver forcefully emails

#exim -qff -v -C /etc/exim.conf &

Remove mails from sender

#exiqgrep -i -f (mail add here) | xargs exaim -Mrm

Remove mails from Recipient

#exiqgrep -i -r (mail add here) | xargs exaim -Mrm

Below command will display total number of emails send as well receive statistics per domain basis.

#exim -bp | exiqsumm | sort -n

Delete mails for particular domain which is largest email sender you got by previous step

#exiqgrep -i -r | xargs exim -Mrm

Number of emails sent by perticular domain greping by date:

#grep “Sept 18″ /var/log/exim_mainlog | grep | wc -l

Get the content of an email by message ID

#exim -Mvb messageid

Force delivery of single email

#exim -M email-id

Delete particular message ID

#exim -Mg messageid

Delete the entire mail queue

#exim -bpru | awk {‘print $3′} | xargs exim -Mrm

Check all mails by username

#exigrep -u username /var/log/exim_mainlog

View an email’s header

#exim -Mvh message-id

View an email’s body

#exim -Mvb message-id

Deliver all emails in mailqueue forcefully

#exiqgrep -i | xargs exim -M

How to repair all MySQL Databases on a cPanel/WHM Server

There can be different reasons why one wants to repair a MySQL database. Database corruption maybe due to a lack of disk space or an unexpected server shutdown that caused the database to go bad. Queries that worked before suddenly stopped working and overall the database is not behaving anymore as expected. This guide shall not be a full database troubleshooting guide, but rather give you a hand on doing a MySQL repair on all databases on a cPanel/WHM server (or any other server running MySQL).

The situation: Your server crashed hard and when it is back up the MySQL side of the house is not working anymore. You do your normal troubleshooting. If all other troubleshooting and verifications are done, you come to the conclusion that you will need to run a repair as the next step. A full database restore from a (hopefully existing) good database backup would be your last choice.

Repairing one MySQL database is fairly easy, but how do you do this for an entire server holding20, 30, 50 or over 100 databases? You will need SSH access as the root user to the server running MySQL. So, log in as the root user and then do the following to repair your MySQL databases:

Please be advised that you should backup critical databases before running any of the commands below:

Option #1

Check if you any need DB repair:

#myisamchk –check /var/lib/mysql/*/*.MYI

Then try a ‘safe-recover’ as the first step:

#myisamchk –safe-recover /var/lib/mysql/*/*.MYI

If the ‘safe-recover’ does not work, run a full recover:

#myisamchk –recover /var/lib/mysql/*/*.MYI

Then use the ‘force’ flag to get things back to normal:

#myisamchk –safe-recover –extend-check –force /var/lib/mysql/*/*.MYI

#myisamchk –recover –extend-check –force /var/lib/mysql/*/*.MYI

Option #2

Use the mysqlcheck tool to repair your databases.
#mysqlcheck -–all-databases -r #repair

#mysqlcheck -–all-databases -a #analyze

#mysqlcheck -–all-databases -o #optimize

There you have it. By using one of these two options you should be able to repair and recover your databases. Please be advised that you should backup critical databases before running any of the commands above. If something goes wrong you can revert back and try again.

Rapidleech installation on VPS Centos 5

Install apache + php5

yum install httpd
yum install php php-gd php-imap php-ldap php-odbc php-pear php-xml php-xmlrpc
service httpd start
chkconfig httpd on

cd /var/www/html
unzip *.zip
cp -r r322/* /var/www/html/
rm -r -f r322
chmod 777 files
chmod 777 configs
cd configs
chmod 777 files.lst




Chkrootkit Installation

Chkrootkit is a tool to locally check for signs of a rootkit. It contains a chkrootkit: shell script that checks system binaries for rootkit modification.

Installation:– Login to your server as root. (SSH)

cd /usr/local/src
– Down load the chkrootkit.# wget
- Unpack the chkrootkit you just downloaded.# tar -xvzf chkrootkit.tar.gz
- Change to new directory# cd chkrootkit*
- Compile chkrootkit# make sense
- Run chkrootkit# ./chkrootkit

How to setup a daily scan report?
- Load crontab# crontab -e
- Add this line to the top:==========================================================================
0 1 * * * (cd /path/to/chkrootkit; ./chkrootkit 2>&1 | mail -s “chkrootkit output”

E.G:0 1 * * * (cd /usr/local/src/chkrootkit-0.49; ./chkrootkit | mail -s “chkrootkit output” )

This will run CHKROOTKIT at 1am every day, and e-mail the output to root. (you need change the time whenever you want it to run and the email id according to your needs.)

Save and exit

Install NginX Php5 FastCGI webserver

Nginx (engine x) is an HTTP(S) server, reverse proxy and IMAP/POP3 proxy server written by Igor Sysoev. It is known for its high performance, stability, rich feature set, simple configuration, and low resource consumption.

Configure yum repo for needful packages

# rpm -Uvh$(uname -m)/epel-release-5-3.noarch.rpm

Install Nginx

# yum install nginx

Configuration files of nginx

Default config file: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
Default SSL config file: /etc/nginx/conf.d/ssl.conf
Default virtual hosting config file: /etc/nginx/conf.d/virtual.conf
Default documentroot: /usr/share/nginx/html
Configure PHP As FastCGI
# yum install php-pear-Net-Socket php-pear php-common php-gd php-devel php php-mbstring php-pear-Mail php-cli php-imap php-snmp php-pdo php-xml php-pear-Auth-SASL php-ldap php-pear-Net-SMTP php-mysql

Install spawn-fcgi simple program for spawning FastCGI processes
# yum install spawn-fcgi
Next, download spawn-fcgi init.d shell script:

# wget
# unzip
# mv /etc/init.d/php_cgi
# chmod +x /etc/init.d/php_cgi

Start php app server

# /etc/init.d/php_cgi start
# netstat -tulpn | grep :9000

By default php server listens on port. Finally, update /etc/nginx/nginx.conf as follows:

# vi /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

Modify / append as follows:


location ~ \.php$ {
root html;
fastcgi_index index.php;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /usr/share/nginx/html$fastcgi_script_name;
include fastcgi_params;

Save and close the file. Restart nginx:

# service nginx restart

Create /usr/share/nginx/html/test.php as follows:



Nginx with Cpanel Apache in proxy mode

This manual is useful for those wishing to install Nginx web server in Cpanel to manage static content using less cpu and ram, so we just loaded PHP to Apache.
tested on ( Cpanel 11.28, CentOS 5 x86_64, PHP 5.2.16 and Apache 2.2 )

cd /usr/src
tar xvzf mod_rpaf-0.6.tar.gz
cd mod_rpaf-0.6
/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs -i -c -n mod_rpaf-2.0.c
cd /usr/src
tar xvzf pcre-7.9.tar.gz
cd pcre-7.9
make install
cd /usr/src
tar xvzf nginx-0.7.63.tar.gz
cd nginx-0.7.63
./configure –with-http_ssl_module –with-http_realip_module –with-http_dav_module –with-http_flv_module –with-http_gzip_static_module
make install

-Login to WHM and look for the following route:

Main >> Service Configuration >> Apache Setup > Include Editor > Pre Main Include
- Add the following configuration and save, LIST_OF_YOUR_IPS changing the IP you occupy in your site:
LoadModule rpaf_module modules/
RPAFenable On
# Enable reverse proxy add forward
# which ips are forwarding requests to us
RPAFsethostname On
# let rpaf update vhost settings
# allows to have the same hostnames as in the “real”
# configuration for the forwarding Apache
RPAFheader X-Real-IP
# Allows you to change which header mod_rpaf looks
# for when trying to find the ip the that is forwarding
# our requests

Change the apache port to 81 (tweak settings)
Open whm – tweak settings and find and change it to
Run SSH console
# /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/bin/whostmgr2 –updatetweaksettings
# /scripts/rebuildhttpdconf
# service httpd restart
wget the automated nginx virtual host creator
- chmod the file and run it
# chmod 755
# ./
Here you will get error then follows this steps
Find & replace the line /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf < to /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf < Again run the script
# ./
-Now check the configuration
# /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx -t
Start nginx
# /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx
Until now only the managing nginx connections, but is not serving static content. For the latter you must edit the following file:
-Remove the 3 # signs of the following lines, so the final configuration will looks like
location ~* \.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png|wmv|avi|mpg|mpeg|mp4|js|css)$ {
root /home/myweb/public_html;
–Restart nginx in SSH
/usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx -s reload

APF (Advanced Policy Firewall)

What is APF (Advanced Policy Firewall)?

Advanced Policy Firewall (APF) is an iptables(netfilter) based firewall system designed around the essential needs of today’s Linux servers. The configuration is designed to be very informative and easy to follow. The management on a day-to-day basis is conducted from the command line with the ‘apf’ command, which includes detailed usage information on all the features.

- Root SSH access to your server


Login to your server through SSH and su to the root user.

cd /root/downloads or another temporary folder where you store your files.


tar -xvzf apf-current.tar.gz

cd apf-0.9.5-1/ or whatever the latest version is.

Run the install file: ./

You will receive a message saying it has been installed

.: APF installed
Install path: /etc/apf
Config path: /etc/apf/conf.apf
Executable path: /usr/local/sbin/apf

Configure the firewall: (i mostly use nano editor) nano /etc/apf/conf.apf
General configuration to get your firewall running. This isn't a complete detailed guide of every feature the firewall has. Look through the README and the configuration for an explanation of each feature.

You may like to use's "block" list of top networks that have exhibited suspicious activity.

Configuring Firewall Ports:
Cpanel Servers
recommended settings for Cpanel Servers

Common ingress (inbound) ports
# Common ingress (inbound) TCP ports -3000_3500 = passive port range for Pure FTPD
IG_TCP_CPORTS="21,22,25,53,80,110,143,443,2082,2083, 2086,2087, 2095, 2096,3000_3500"
# Common ingress (inbound) UDP ports
Common egress (outbound) ports
# Common egress (outbound) TCP ports
# Common egress (outbound) UDP ports
Ensim Servers
recommended settings for Ensim Servers
Common ingress (inbound) ports
# Common ingress (inbound) TCP ports
# Common ingress (inbound) UDP ports
Common egress (outbound) ports
# Common egress (outbound) TCP ports
# Common egress (outbound) UDP ports
Plesk Servers
recommended settings for Plesk Servers
# Common ingress (inbound) TCP ports
# Common ingress (inbound) UDP ports
# Common ICMP (inbound) types
# 'internals/icmp.types' for type definition; 'all' is wildcard for any
# Egress filtering [0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled]
# Common egress (outbound) TCP ports
# Common egress (outbound) UDP ports
# Common ICMP egress (outbound) types
# 'internals/icmp.types' for type definition; 'all' is wildcard for any
Save your changes! Ctrl + X then y (nano editor)

Starting the firewall
apf -s
Other commands:
usage /usr/local/sbin/apf [OPTION]
-s|--start ............. load firewall policies
-r|--restart ........... flush & load firewall
-f|--flush|--stop ...... flush firewall
-l|--list .............. list chain rules
-st|--status ........... firewall status
-a HOST|--allow HOST ... add host (IP/FQDN) to allow_hosts.rules and
immediately load new rule into firewall
-d HOST|--deny HOST .... add host (IP/FQDN) to deny_hosts.rules and
immediately load new rule into firewall

After everything is fine, change the DEV option
nano /etc/apf/conf.apf
# Set firewall cronjob (devel mode)
# 1 = enabled / 0 = disabled
It is recommended changing this back to "0" after you've had a chance to ensure everything is working well and tested the server out.
Save your changes! Ctrl + X then y
Restart the firewall: apf -r

Make APF Start automatically at boot time
To autostart apf on reboot, run this:
chkconfig --level 2345 apf on
To remove it from autostart, run this:
chkconfig --del apf

Server Monitoring

If the server load is high then do the following tricks:

1) top or top -n1
check for the server load and watch for process

2) free -m
it will display the memory status
# vmstat : (virtual memory status)
# mymem : (which services are consuming memory)

3)if a perticular user is causing a high server laod then use “ps U username”: it will display the process that are running by the user . Then you can take action against that user.

4) netstat -an |grep :80 |wc -l :
Show how many active connections there are to apache (httpd runs on port 80)

5) netstat -ntu | awk ‘{print $5}’ | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort –n
it will display the no of connections form a certain ip

6)if there is MYSQL taking cpu usage then check for mysql status
# watch mysqladmin proc
# mysqladmin -u root processlist
check for the databases and suspend that user if any database is using high resources.

7)check /tmp if there is any process taking high resources : chown to root for that process and chmod 000 also if .sh process is running then chown it t0 root:root

8)if exim is taking high resources then check for exim logs : use this command :
replace :blackhole: : fail: — /etc/valiases/*

w : Current users

exim -bp | exiqsumm
ps aux | head -1;ps aux –no-headers| sort -rn +3 | head :

Use below mentioned command to get top memory consuming processes
ps aux | head -1;ps aux –no-headers | sort -rn +2
ps aux | head -1;ps aux –no-headers | sort -rn +2


If Exim causes
exim –bpc
shows the total no of email in qmail

eximstats -nr -ne /var/log/exim_mainlog
Total mail server report

pidof exim
shows no of exim pids running

exim -bpr | grep frozen | wc -l
Shows no of frozen emails

exiqgrep -z -i | xargs exim –Mrm
exim -bp | exiqgrep -i | xargs exim -Mrm
it deletes the FROZEN mails from the server

tail -f /var/log/exim_mainlog | grep public_html
check for spamming if anybody is using php script for sending mail through public_html

tail -f /var/log/exim_mainlog | grep /tmp
Used for checking for who is spamming through the /tmp

tail -3000 /var/log/exim_mainlog |grep ‘rejected RCPT’ |awk ‘{print$4}’|awk -F\[ '{print $2} '|awk -F\] ‘{print $1} ‘|sort | uniq -c | sort -k 1 -nr | head -n 5
It will display the IP and no of tries done by the IP to send mail but rejected by the server.

netstat -plan|grep :25|awk {‘print $5′}|cut -d: -f 1|sort|uniq -c|sort -nk 1
shows the connections from a certain ip to the SMTP server

exim -bp | exiqsumm | more
It shows the domain name and the no of emails sent by that domain

If spamming from outside domain then you can block that domain or email id on the server
pico /etc/antivirus.exim
Add the following lines:
if $header_from: contains “”
seen finish

eximstats -nr -ne /var/log/exim_mainlog

Catching spammer

exim -bp | exiqsumm | more

exim -bpr | grep “<*@*>” | awk ‘{print $4}’|grep -v “<>” | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
That will show you the maximum no of email currently in the mail queue have from or to the email address in the mail queue with exact figure.

exim -bpr | grep “<*@*>” | awk ‘{print $4}’|grep -v “<>” |awk -F “@” ‘{ print $2}’ | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
That will show you the maximum no of email currently in the mail queue have for the domain or from the domain with number.

Check if any php script is causing the mass mailing with
cd /var/spool/exim/input
egrep “X-PHP-Script” * -R
Just cat the ID that you get and you will be able to check which script is here causing problem for you.

To Remove particular email account email
exim -bpr |grep “”|awk {‘print $3′}|xargs exim -Mrm

If Mysql causes :
mysqladmin -u root processlist
mysqladmin version
watch mysqladmin proc

If Apache causes :
netstat -ntu | grep :80 | awk ‘{print $5}’ | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort –n
netstat -an |grep :80 |wc –l
netstat -n | grep :80 | wc -l;uptime ; netstat -n | wc –l
netstat –tupl
netstat -tupl

Other Commands

pidof php
shows the PIDs for php

history | netstat
shows no of connection details

lsof -p pid
shows the details of pid

netstat -na |grep :80 |sort

Use below mentioned command to get top memory consuming processes”

ps aux | head -1;ps aux –no-headers| sort -rn +3 | head

Use below command to get top cpu consuming processes:

ps aux | head -1;ps aux –no-headers | sort -rn +2 |more

You can check if any backup is going on, run the following commands:
# ps aux | grep “pkg”
# ps aux | grep “gzip”
# ps aux | grep “backup”
If any backup process is going on, kill that process.

We can trace the user responsible for high web server resource usage by the folowing command
cat /etc/httpd/logs/access_log | grep mp3
cat /etc/httpd/logs/access_log | grep rar
cat /etc/httpd/logs/access_log | grep wav etc

cat /etc/httpd/logs/access_log | grep 408
Can be used to check for DDOS attacks on the server.

cat /etc/httpd/logs/access_log | grep rar

Port scanning :
root@ [/tmp]# nmap localhost

Starting Nmap 4.11 ( ) at 2007-10-04 13:22 MYT
Interesting ports on localhost (
Not shown: 1664 closed ports
1/tcp open tcpmux
21/tcp open ftp
25/tcp open smtp
53/tcp open domain
80/tcp open http
110/tcp open pop3
111/tcp open rpcbind
143/tcp open imap
443/tcp open https
465/tcp open smtps
631/tcp open ipp
783/tcp open spamassassin
953/tcp open rndc
993/tcp open imaps
995/tcp open pop3s
3306/tcp open mysql

Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.125 seconds
root@ [/tmp]#

netstat -anp |grep :3306


ps -aux|grep HTTP|wc –l : It will show you no of http connections to the server

netstat -lpn|grep :80 |awk ‘{print $5}’|sort : It will helpful to check the no of connections from a certain ip

Check for the ips and block them with firewalls as apf/csf/iptables

For iptables : iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP
For apf : apf –d ip_address
For CSF : csf -d ip_adrress

If load due to SPAMD:

The load issues on a cpanel 11 box (later versions too) because of spamd are quite common, sometimes they may take more than 90% of the CPU. Here are some ways to resolve it.
[edit] Solution
We can use the following steps to resolve the issue in a considerable manner.

1. Edit the /etc/mail/spamassassin/ file

vi /etc/mail/spamassassin/

then add the following lines to it

a) use_bayes 0 (this will disable some spamassassin functionalities)
b) lock_method flock

(Uncomment these options, if they are commented)

2) Run scripts2/autofixer/spamd_dbm_fix

a) Log into WHM and use another URL as “http://your server IP:2086//scripts2/autofixer”
then type the script name “spamd_dbm_fix” and run

b) Or you can also do the same from server back end as follows.

# wget
# chmod 755 spamd_dbm_fix
# ./spamd_dbm_fix

3) Run the following lines of codes

# rm -f /home/*/.spamassassin/
# rm -f /home/*/.spamassassin/*.lock

NOTE : If the load issue is related to a particular user then there is no need for running this,
you can simply enter into the ‘.spamassassin/’ directory for that user and delete the
files ‘’ and *.lock.

4) Restart spam assassin (restart Exim)

5) Hope this will help you in such a situation.

: memory usage serverwide.
ps aux | awk ‘{print $4″\t”$11}’ | sort | uniq -c | awk ‘{print $2″ “$1″ “$3}’ | sort –nr

[root@ ~]# mymem
Memory Usage
Current: 326.344 MB
Allocated: 492.012 MB
Guaranteed: 512 MB
Burstable: 768 MB


5.1 1 spamd
0.7 1 spamd
0.6 1 /usr/bin/spamd
0.4 1 /usr/sbin/mysqld
0.2 1 cpsrvd
0.1 4 /etc/authlib/authProg
0.1 1 eximstats
0.1 1 cpdavd
0.1 1 cpbandwd
0.1 1 cpanellogd
0.1 1 cPhulkd
0.1 1 /usr/local/cpanel/bin/leechprotect
0.0 6 /usr/libexec/courier-authlib/authdaemond
0.0 4 /usr/sbin/courierlogger
0.0 4 -bash
0.0 3 sshd:
0.0 3 /usr/sbin/exim
0.0 3 /usr/lib/courier-imap/libexec/couriertcpd
0.0 2 sort
0.0 2 awk
0.0 11 /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd
0.0 1 xinetd
0.0 1 uniq
0.0 1 syslogd
0.0 1 pure-ftpd
0.0 1 ps
0.0 1 init
0.0 1 crond
0.0 1 chkservd
0.0 1 antirelayd
0.0 1 /usr/sbin/sshd
0.0 1 /usr/sbin/saslauthd
0.0 1 /usr/sbin/pure-authd
0.0 1 /usr/sbin/portsentry
0.0 1 /usr/sbin/named
0.0 1 /etc/authlib/authProg
0.0 1 /bin/sh


kill nobody process
ps aux | grep nobody | awk ‘{print $2}’ | xargs kill -9

To see only the memory resources occupied by each category of processes, such as Apache httpd, MySQL mysqld or Java, use the following command:

ps aux | awk ‘{print $4″\t”$11}’ | sort | uniq -c | awk ‘{print $2″ “$1″ “$3}’ | sort -nr

ps -eo pid,%cpu,vsz,args,wchan

Shows every process, their pid, % of cpu, memory size, name, and what syscall they are currently executing. Nifty.

whereis locates source/binary and manuals sections for specified files. The supplied names are first stripped of leading pathname components and any (single) trailing
extension of the form .ext, for example, .c. Prefixes of s. resulting from use of source code control are also dealt with. whereis then attempts to locate the desired program in
a list of standard Linux places. For example find out where is ls command?
$ whereis ls

cd /var/spool/exim/input
egrep “X-PHP-Script” * -R

For netstat
netstat -nap | grep :110 | awk ‘{print $5}’ | cut -d”:” -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head
netstat -nap | grep :25 | awk ‘{print $5}’ | cut -d”:” -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head
netstat -n | grep :80 | wc -l;uptime ; netstat -n | wc –l
netstat -ntu | awk ‘{print $5}’ | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
netstat -nap | grep :80 | awk ‘{print $5}’ | cut -d”:” -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head

root@ [~]# tail -f /var/log/slow.log
# tail -500 /var/log/mysql-slow-queries.log

# How to find Top 10 memomry & cpu consuming processes
ps -eo pcpu,%mem,pid,user,args | sort -k 1 -r | head -10